Stir-fried Spicy Pork (Jaeyook Bokeum – 제육볶음)

Korean Spicy Stir-fried Pork (Jaeyook Bokeum – 제육볶음)

Korean hot pepper is what make so many dishes distinctly Korean. The spicy and sweet flavor of the pepper adds both kick and flavor to dishes without making them too spicy. This recipe is a quick, stir-fried dish that you can make in about 20 minutes. Served over rice with sheets of seaweed laver to wrap and it makes a filling lunch or dinner main dish.



  • Sliced pork (about 1 pound or 500g)
  • One sliced onion
  • Large green onion


  • Hot pepper paste (1.5T)
  • Hot pepper flakes (1T)
  • Soy Sauce (2T)
  • Minced Garlic (½T)
  • Sugar (1T)
  • Sesame Oil
  • Sesame Seeds (for garnish)


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Cut the meat into small strips or cubes.

Chop the vegetables.

Ingredients are laid out in small square bowls and on a dish. In the square bowls on the left: hot pepper paste, hot pepper flakes, sugar, minced garlic, soy sauce. In bottles above: sesame oil, sesame seeds. On a ceramic plate on the right: chopped onions, chopped carrots, chopped pork.

Ingredients needed for Korean Spicy stir-fried pork: hot pepper paste, hot pepper flakes, sugar, minced garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil, sesame seeds, chopped onions, chopped carrots, chopped pork.


Make the sauce: In a bowl, combine and mix the hot pepper paste, hot pepper flakes, soy sauce, minced garlic.

Hot pepper paste, hot pepper flakes, soy sauce, minced garlic, sugar and sesame oil is being mixed in a medium black ceramic bowl. A white ceramic container rests above with hot pepper flakes inside.

Mix the sauce. Hot pepper paste, hot pepper flakes, soy sauce, minced garlic, sugar, sesame oil.

Heat at large wok on high heat. Add some oil. Add the meat and sugar then begin stir-frying the meat. Do this until the meat starts turning whitish in color.

In a large black wok, sugar is being poured on top of pork.

Heat the wok and add oil and meat. Stir in sugar and start to stir-fry.

Pour the sauce and mix into the meat while still stir-frying.

In a large black wok, red sauce is added over cooked pork. The pork is whitish in color.

Add the sauce to the meat once the meat is whitish in color.

Add the vegetables and continue to stir-fry.

In a large black wok, carrots and onions are being added to stir-fried pork. The meat is red in color from the added sauce.

Stir-fry the vegetables into the meat.

Cook until the sauce is thoroughly mixed into the meat and vegetables. Remove from heat and serve onto a serving plate. Sprinkle sesame seeds for garnish.

Korean Stir-fried spicy pork dish is served on a pink ceramic plate. The meat and vegetables are redish in color. Small sesame seeds are on top for garnish.

Prepared dish of Jaeyook Bokeum. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top for garnish.


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